Lake Victoria and its Tourism Potential

Lake Victoria has some hidden treasures which are not yet well known to the world one of them is Equator Island. This tiny
rocky island lies leisurely on Lake Victoria near Kigungu landing site in Entebbe and it is the only island crossed by the Equator on Lake Victoria.
The Equator Island has remained in obscurity but with more thought and effort this would turn the island into a popular tourist destination.
The other potential tourist attractions on Lake Victoria include the Source of the Nile which attracted the early White explorers such as John Speke. As such, a monument was built to commemorate him as the first white man to see the source of the Nile.
The other tourism features you will see on the lake include;
– Musambwa Island which is home to many beautiful birds
– Lutembe site which features long-toed plover, hummer kops and a greater cormorant to mention but a few
– Plus a sea of terns in black breeding plummage
Lake Victoria has some of the richest grounds for treasure hunters that would bring in billions of money in that it offers romantic cruises at night which offers a lot of business to the boat operators, the caterers, entertainers, and people engaged in ticketing and booking.
By virtue of its position as the second largest fresh water lake, Victoria offers immense opportunities for marine tourism, sport fishing and rafting. Apart from leisure the lake offers opportunities for transport within Uganda and the other East African countries sharing the waters.
As a fresh water body the lake has a variety of fish like the Tilapia and Nile Perch which was introduced by the colonial administrators these fish are unique in that they are found only in lake Victoria and are also famous for their delicious taste, plus also tourist come to carry out sport fishing both on the lake and the river Nile.
Lake Victoria Beaches
The beaches on lake Victoria include the sites at sailing Club, Tilapia club and Masese. Besides the scenery, the lake can be exploited for water sports, which would attract the domestic and foreign residents.
There are several Islands are found in Lake Victoria which include Samuka, Ndaiga and Lwabitooke. There are also several potential tourism activities including boat riding, racing, sport fishing, over-night camping, day excursions and various water sports along these islands.