Traveling to Uganda.

Travelling to Uganda is suspended since 22nd march 2020, this is a measure taken by the gov’t of Uganda to control the spread of Coronavirus, all international flights to and from Uganda have been suspended. only Cargo flights are permitted, but crew must observe strict guidelines. Land borders and lake ports are also closed, except for truck drivers.
Please keep checking our webpage, for the notification about when traveling will resume, since the gov’t has not come up with the proper time flame, as to when the international flights will resume,as the ministry of healthy is monitoring the situation, to keep us updated.
Good news are that Uganda gov’t has arranged to return all its nationals stranded in the outside world and so few have been received in some of the designated quarantine centers,
Uganda gov’t (committee covid-19 task force) has recommended the opening the international airport and land borders, but with only that the public follows the gov’t set regulations against the epidermic.